Dear Friends:
The whole country has been shaken by the hate, terror and violence that occurred October 27th at the Tree of Life Synagogue in the Pittsburgh community of Squirrel Hill. Like you, we are deeply saddened and send our thoughts and prayers to those who have lost loved ones, and to all those affected.
As we try to process this horrifying tragedy, we pray that the Jewish community and our nation find the necessary healing needed at this time. May we be tolerant of one another, and fight hate by doing good deeds.
We pray that God grant us both the strength to help each other during this time of mourning, and the fortitude to move forward in unity to build a kinder world where fear and hate no longer dominate our lives.
Rabbi Peter Novick,
Rabbi Stan Levin, and
Cantor Caron Dale
Note: As an acknowledgement of mourning for those lost in the Squirrel Hill massacre, Chaplain Richard Thayer is working with Ingleside residents who will be coming to services this Friday evening. They will present a candle and a signed card of sympathy listing the Squirrel Hill Victims. This is a very meaningful and beautiful offering of caring and kindness. I encourage everyone to attend this Sabbath Service and welcome these caring members of our community, as we mourn together our lost brethren.
Steve Permison
Hevrat Shalom Congregation