
In conducting a Religious School we see our role as a partnership with our parents in nurturing soundly grounded, proudly and happily identified Jewish children. This entails touching on the many areas and feelings that interplay in making a person who he/she is. In the case of Jewish education there are four areas which we delineate. One is identity – our relationship to our group. This is fostered through defining our connection to the JEWISH PEOPLE , its history and culture, and learning how we share that heritage and how it has meaning in our lives. Another area of our Jewishness is TORAH , the Bible, the lore surrounding it and how its teachings influence our civilization. Then comes the “doing”, the JEWISH PRACTICES that create the celebratory structure through which we encounter our Life Cycle events and our Calendar Holiday Observances. Finally there is the very special area of personal behavior and our relationship to society; the choices we make vis a vis right and wrong, for which we turn to JEWISH ETHICS. Here we find guidance and the basis of Mitzvot that color Jewish behavior. Though these four elements can be spoken of separately, they function in concert and are interlayered in the creation of the Jewish personality. In our educational approach we try to integrate these four “pillars” of Jewish education into the overall curriculum and into the atmosphere of school activities. With parental partnering we hope to achieve the objective of creating knowledgeable, proud and happily involved young Jews.

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